Confidentiality & Comfort Agreements

Your business is valuable to Mood Mend and getting to know you more fully is an important component of the client-coach relationship. Although not required, it is recommended to share some confidential, personal information, at your discretion, openly and honestly in your initial consultation and Alliance negotiation, as well as during our coaching sessions. Your coach makes a commitment to strive for excellence, empower you to improve confidence, and engage with integrity in all aspects of the coaching appointments – the foundation for your success.

Mood Mend honors and protects any and all information shared. Your personal information will not be shared with any person or organization, including your employer, without your explicit, written consent.

We may be ethically bound, however, to share information with your health care team if indeed you are in imminent danger of harming yourself or others.

Mood Mend maintains your client file for up to six months after the completion of your coaching appointments.

Confidentiality Agreement (for all Mood Mend clients):

  1. INSIGHTS: I understand that coaching is a broadly inclusive process that may include different areas of my life including and not limited to health, professional or family relationships and work. I acknowledge that it is my decision and choice how to utilize information in these areas from coaching sessions; it is my responsibility.
  2. WELL-BEING: I understand and agree that I am responsible for my physical, mental and emotional well-being during my coaching appointments. These appointments may take place in person, online, or by phone. Any choices I make or injuries that I incur from recommendations made during my coaching appointments are fully my responsibility.
  3. TAKING BREAKS and TERMINATION: I agree and understand that my coach or I can terminate or discontinue coaching at any time, pending applicable fees. If I need to cancel or change the time of a coaching appointment I understand I need to give 24 hours notice to not to be charged for the session. With advance notice of more than 24 hours I will not be charged and I will make every effort to reschedule.
  4. CONFIDENTIALITY: I understand that in order to protect my privacy, if I terminate my coaching, any assignment work or information about our coaching sessions will be deleted from my coach’s files. I also agree that I consent to using emails to sometimes transmit sensitive information. I acknowledge the risks involved and waive any rights against my coach for errors made in these transmissions.
  5. NON-DISCLOSURE and INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY: I understand that the methodology, coaching techniques and strategies used, as well as assignments, documents, or emails are proprietary and I understand that and agree that they may not be used for any purposes other than my coaching appointments without written consent from my coach. I understand that information is held as confidential to fulfill my coaching obligations and as required by law.
  6. DEFINITION of COACHING: I understand that coaching is intended for individuals who want to take action and make behavior changes in the service of their goals for life, health, well-being or work. Coaching does not involve the diagnosis or treatment of physical or mental disorders and I will not use it in place of any other diagnosis, therapy, or treatment or other advice given to me by medical, legal, financial or other qualified professionals. It is clear that coaching may not be appropriate for all people.
  7. LIABILITY: Total liability under this confidentiality agreement shall be limited to the total amount actually paid by the client to the coach. In no event shall the coach be liable for any consequential or indirect damages alleged to result from the coach’s performance or obligations under this agreement. I understand, acknowledge, and agree that limited liability is a fundamental part of this agreement. The fees charged in this coaching agreement reflect the risk agreed upon by both client and coach. No action, regardless of nature arising from coaching services may be brought by the client, more than one (1) year after services rendered.

Comfort Agreement (for Mood Mend groups):

The Golden Rule — do unto others as you would have them do unto you i.e. treat others as you would like to be treated.

Peer — you must be a peer in order to participate in group services i.e. over 18 years of age and having lived experience with mental health challenges or a desire to maintain and manage mental health. You may also bring a peer supporter, fitting the same criteria.

Confidentiality — what is said in group stays in group; to pick up week-to-week on themes from a previous session one must have permission of the speaker to re-share information; anonymity is protected by the facilitator and group members alike; when in public, acknowledgement and interaction, despite social mores, is not expected and will only be extended if the desire is mutual.

Non-Judgmental and Anti-Oppressive Safe Space — all group members and the group facilitator commit to cultivating an environment where they are able to express themselves freely without fear and where their race, creed, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression will be respected.

Value Judgments and Negative Self-Talk — in the spirit of creating a non-judgmental and anti-oppressive safe-space, group members are not only expected to refrain from negatively judging others, but also, of negatively judging themselves or placing positive or negative weight on value neutral characteristics, behaviours, or circumstances.

Glasses of water are neither half empty nor half full; they are simply glasses of water.

Realism, as above, is a virtue to be upheld in group.

No sane/insane dichotomies, stigmatizing, naming and labeling — this includes things like using the terms crazy, looney bin, and loser.

I not you — come from your own experience and allow fellow members to listen and experience gather to gain their insights; do not give advice in the form of “you” statements, particularly about meds – “you should try Abilify” vs. “Abilify works for me” – diagnoses and treatment are the responsibility of psychiatrists, psychotherapists, social workers, and general practitioners.

NO cross talk — do not interrupt a speaker before they are finished; do not directly contravene what they say without preface and permission; do not otherwise bully, coerce, or belittle a speaker.

NO SHOULDING — no shoulds, no coulds, no woulds, no oughts; NO shaming yourself or others for not doing what you or they didn’t; whether you or they should have, shouldn’t have, could have, couldn’t have, would have, wouldn’t have, ought to or ought not is besides the point.

Listening & Experience Gathering — group members are encouraged to engage in intentional listening (mindful and active) and “experience gathering” i.e. using the experiences of others to light their own paths.

Trigger Warning — when sharing, generalities and euphemistic language work best as graphic details may be triggering to others e.g. sharing specific numerical weights, eating or compensatory behaviours might trigger someone with an eating disorder; opening up about details of a traumatic event may be triggering someone with PTSD; or painting an enticing/reminiscent picture of substance use could be problematic for those struggling with addiction etc.

Self-Care — this ranges from practicing self-preservation or self-protection in group meetings i.e. getting up to leave the room if triggered, speaking to the facilitator about your state of mind if feeling unsafe etc., to practicing good hygiene.

Please come to group ready and willing to work on the task at hand.

Scent-free and Sober environment— please refrain from using recreational drugs or alcohol before or during group.

AHIMSA — “do no harm;” violence, bullying, trolling, and abuse will not be tolerated in group.

If a member of the group appears to be in imminent danger of harming themselves or others, the facilitator reserves the right to escort them out of the room. She will then speak with the person and offer them support by suggesting one of the following options:

  • Ascertain whether the person feels safe to go home and if not, assist in the process as needed.
  • Call 9-1-1, Distress Centres, security, or the appropriate resource for the circumstance.

The safety of the group is of paramount importance. Those in peril or crisis deserve and will receive the utmost in respect and care, as will all group members.